MythBusters Video Series
This video series (in Spanish only with English subtitles) debunks common COVID-19 myths that circulate the Latinx/o community.
Palm Card with Long COVID Conditions
Palm card aims to raise awareness of “long COVID” to help individuals identify symptoms since these can be more serious than the acute infection of COVID-19. Product available only in Spanish.
Protect Yourself by Protecting Others- Fotonovela
A fotonovela with a story plot covering COVID-19 at-home testing and the importance of testing when presented with possible COVID-19 symptoms.
Flyer with Instructions for using at-home COVID-19 test
Flyer with images and Spanish instructions on how to administer the free at-home test correctly.
COVID-19 Vaccination During Pregnancy Fotonovela & Outreach guide
This fotonovela features two farmworker mothers discussing COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy and their concerns. The attached outreach Guide provides discussion points and tips to facilitate educational conversations during outreach.
Prevention After Vaccination Fotonovela & Outreach guide
This fotonovela features two farmworker co-workers discussing COVID-19 prevention after vaccination.
The attached outreach Guide provides discussion points and tips to facilitate educational conversations during outreach.